I recently shared our big news with you — that Steve and I have purchased a gorgeous 100-acre piece of property outside of Nashville. We’re calling our new farmstead Patina Meadow and we’re dreaming up big things to share with you

In a surprising turn of events, Patina Farm sold before it even hit the market this month! I was astonished to hear from our realtor what the asking price of stories and dreams could be when they’re poured into five acres of land and creative design. We built Giannetti Home and Patina Farm from the ground up (both literally and figuratively), and are frequently humbled by where our dreams and hard work have brought us.

Like so many others, you’re probably wondering, “How can you possibly leave Patina Farm?”
Everything I do for a living is centered around creating a beautiful space for people. But I truly believe if we can create a nourishing atmosphere that allows us to live authentically, then we can bring it with us anywhere. So while Patina Farm holds a dear space in our hearts, the physical location isn’t as important to us as the FEELING we created here. We’ll also be bringing along the heart and soul of Patina Farm — our animal family members that mean so much to us will definitely be making the move, too.

When Steve and I are designing a space for a client, we immerse ourselves in the stories they tell because that’s where their dreams really shine.
And for us, Patina Farm has been a place for stories and dreams of family, healing, and connection. We’ve learned so many things and grown in so many ways that now we’re ready for new lessons and a deeper connection to nature.

As we begin to shift toward this new chapter in our lives, I find myself reflecting on our past and I came across this touching old Velvet and Linen blog post from 2012. It’s now 10 years later and we’re experiencing so many of the same things we did then, including excitement for a new adventure in our lives.
I’m enjoying the reflection on what was while simultaneously looking forward to what will be, all while doing my very best to remain in the present moment and enjoy the process. This combination of past, present, and future is essentially what Steve and I aim for in our designs and life.

We’re so grateful for Patina Farm and for YOU. This home has meant a lot to us and it’s what connected me with you, here on the blog. It’s the home where we truly understood that we could live our dreams, but also where we’ve continued to have new ones.
You can follow along with us on our new journey by following Patina Meadow on Instagram. Come on over and say hello!