It seems like with each passing day, the noise of the world gets louder. Everything around us clamors for our attention, and our clouded consciousness is the cost of business.
Moments of silence are so rare that when experienced, rather than being greeted with gratitude, I tend to turn towards anxiety. Instead of appreciating the lull in stimulation as a gift, a moment to slow and reflect, I frantically search for ways to fill it. I flip on the radio, tune into the newest episode of a podcast to learn the best ways to avoid what we have deemed the annoying side effects of our humanness—anything to avoid an awkward silence.
In the moments when it all gets too much, when the outside chatter creates an internal roar, I find myself drawn to the woods. In the woods, there are no frenzied appeals. There is sound, but no noise. If I allow myself to adjust to the quieted environment, my mind and body follow suit. Although the composition played by the woodland orchestra shifts from day to day, moment to moment, the peace remains.
The most beautiful things in life don’t demand our attention with incessant calls to action. Even though they are fleeting, flowers don’t scream out, “For a limited time only! You’ll never see this bloom again!” The trees don't have to try and entice us to sit in their shade. They merely present themselves, knowing they will be seen by those who are meant to, those who slow down enough to take in the sight.
As the noise of the cultural hum continues to heighten, retreat to the woods, take refuge in the birdsong and brambles. They have existed long before this moment and will exist long after. They have wisdom to share and peace to profess.
Being in nature, the woods, trees, creek, elevation of our beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains settles me always.
thank you for posting this lovely bit of fresh air!
Peace I needed. Thank you. Memories of growing up on Iowa farm.
Very nice, Leila. Great insight of our need to disconnect. Wisdom is found in your words. Thank you
Thank you, Leila, so calming. Would love to see more videos like that around your property.