Over the years, Steve and I have been fortunate enough to visit England several times. England is one of my happy places.

I love so many things about their culture… the beautiful classical architecture in London, the charming towns in the Cotswolds… but English gardens are my favorite. The English have a unique way of combining structure and whimsy that resonates with me.

Last week, Steve, Leila, and I had the opportunity to spend a day at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. The Royal Horticulture Society is the UK’s largest garden charity. Their goal is to enrich everyone’s life through plants and make the UK more beautiful & greener. Their annual flower show is the highlight of their events. As it is perfectly described on their website, the show is “the pinnacle of horticulture, show-stopping designs, innovative materials, and show-stopping blooms”.

There was so much to take in during our visit, but I thought you might enjoy a few of the highlights…
Each year, several talented landscape designers create show-stopping gardens. Although the lush landscapes appear as if they have matured over decades, they are created over just six weeks!

The St. James Picadilly Garden, with its circular cabin nestled under the Plane trees, was so charming. It was inspired by urban pocket gardens that can be found around London and offer a serene resting place for residents.
The National Garden Scheme Garden, designed by Tom Stuart-Smith, was also delightful and featured an abundant woodland perennial garden framing the aged wood hut beyond.

As we made our way to the Great Pavilion, we continued to be overwhelmed by the inspiration all around us.
Steve and I are desperate to find a place for one (or two or…) of Hannam & Taylor’s charming Shepherd’s huts on our farm.

Several wonderful glass greenhouse exhibitors filled their spaces with charming vignettes.

Leila and I were enchanted by the artistic displays of dried flowers in Deborah Maire Moon’s booth. The dark green walls were a dramatic backdrop for her florals.

These sculptures by Rupert Till get my award for whimsy. They just make me smile.

We were greeted inside the Great Pavilion by aisles of abundant blossoms!

Leila in her happy place, surrounded by roses :)

The floral designs were spectacular…

Acacia Creative Studio designed Heartwood, a fantastic sculpture intended to represent the circle of life of a tree, as a dying tree gives life to new growth.
If you do make your way to the show, I highly recommend taking a walk through the surrounding neighborhoods.
Many of the shops celebrate the show by decorating with lush plantings. Jamb’s over-the-top display was one of my favorites. It was a show-stopper.

Have you been to the Chelsea Flower Show? What was your favorite inspiration?

I have been a couple of times. Thanks for the tip of seeing the nearby neighborhood, I hopefully can do that next time! What is so impressive about Chelsea is to see how pristine each and every plant is and to know that many are forced to be in bloom and looking perfect for that 1 week! True love and dedication from growers and designers from all over the world. ♥️🇬🇧
Such a beautiful horticultural show.-such talented exhitors and garden inspiration. Thanks for the pictures. Would love to see it in person one day.
Wow! I can't pick just one thing. It is all so stunning! Thank you for sharing.
Each year I am overwhelmed watching Chelsea on Britbox. It’s amazing as the Hosts from Gardners World take you thru each and every exhibit, interviewing exhibitors and medal winners along the way.
The Chelsea Flower Show is such a wonderful experience - I’ve been several times and always come back bursting with excitement and motivation to redesign the garden! Glad you had a lovely time with us in 🇬🇧 x